Friday, August 26, 2011

What Did He Really Say? (not what you think you heard)

Matthew 7:24-27—”Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house upon the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the wind blew and beat against the house; yet it did not fall, because it had it’s foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put then into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against the house, and it fell with a great crash.

According to the NIV Archeological Bible, the sand ringing the Sea of Galilee was rock-hard during the hot summer. But a wise builder would dig down deep, as far as 10 feet below the surface sand to the bedrock, knowing that this was the only way to erect a foundation able to withstand the winter rains, which were notoriously torrential and capable of causing disastrous flooding.
In Matthew, it describes two groups. Both are hearing the Word but only one is actually following it. We all know that saying something is a whole lot easier that doing something. Hearing can work the same way. We think that just by hearing the Word of God that somehow that is sufficient. But Jesus says that that method is not good enough. Just like the rock-hard sand. It seems adequate on the surface but it is soon seen for what it really is when trial comes—washed up sand and a weak foundation that is not good enough to withstand anything.
I’d like to take this scripture further. I believe one can hear the Word and think they are doing it. But that person is really only living out what they heard according to their own strength and through their own misguided thoughts—basically leaning on their own understanding (Prov. 3:5). Many times we twist God’s Words to fit our own ideas. In example: white lies. We’ve all heard that it is a sin to lie. But we twist that truth and only let it apply to big lies while letting small white lies slip. If we choose to live this way then consequently we’re building something but that “something” will eventually require reconstruction.
You’ve got the foundation—you’re hearing, you’re “doing”, you’ve got Jesus but your construction is faulty. You’re not following the Master Builder’s Plan and being led by the Holy Spirit but are following your own ideas or what you think you heard Him say. Which means you are making a bunch of cuts without any measurements! You can cut a board with a rough estimate of how long you think it should be but if it’s off by just the slightest amount it’s wrong! This is a building plan slated for demolition if one continues to follow it. (Proverbs 14:12) So before it gets to that point, let God reconstruct you and then not only hear and do but follow the Holy Spirit. So take a good look at your life, your “house” and see if you can find areas where you’ve been fudging the measurements based on your rough estimates.
Reconstruction isn’t fun and it may take a while but it brings refreshing and renewal and ultimately a structure that can withstand the storms of life. Hallelujah, the foundation—the Rock of Christ Jesus— can never be shaken or wash away (I Cor. 3:11). Build your life on Him by hearing his words, obeying them fully in all areas of your life and letting them transform your thinking so you’re actually doing what He said... and not only what you think He said.

(recent article I wrote for the Power of Faith Newsletter - a ministry of Faith Christian Church & International Outreach Center)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Bedford Square will put you to bed

Bedford Square (Charlotte & Thomas Pitt, #19)Bedford Square by Anne Perry

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

First time reading this author and this genre. Genre - thumbs up, Author - thumbs down. Basically dumb. I actually skipped paragraphs because it kept on rambling and having repeat conversations.

View all my reviews

Monday, August 8, 2011

It's been a while since I completed this flyer but I wanted to share anyway... just 'cause it's one of my favorites. Hee-hee! Again, it's for Faith Christian Church and their annual Valentine's Gala hosted by the Partners of Promise Ministry! enjoy!

Display Your Praise Women's Conference flyer

This is a project design that I completed last month for Faith Christian Church annual Women's Conference hosted by Delores Tapscott and the Women for Jesus Ministry. It was a privilege and honor 'display my praise' through my talents. To God be the Glory!