Saturday, June 25, 2011

Summertime is sometimes not funtime

I don't know about you but I am having a difficult time this summer with my kids. I don't remember past summers being so difficult to entertain them. They're always bored and always at each others throat and Lord help you if ask them to do anything. We have a punishment to pick up a bucket full of sticks if there is complaining of any sort. Let's just say that my yard has absolutely no sticks or debris!

I am just at a loss this year for some reason. I don't want them in front of the TV but I also don't want to play Candy Land and Uno all day either. A tight budget and high gas prices I think are having an affect. I am trying to consolidate trips. And to be honest I don't like running the roads all of the time. I'm a home body. But home can turn into a prison after a while.

We've done some flower drying, cake baking and a few crafts. We also gone to the river on a hot day, to the park and library. We have a few small gardens going that they are helping with. But you can only do those activities for so long. WHAT IN THE WORLD DO I DO WITH THEM THE REST OF THE DAY!!!?!!?!??!

Teachers don't get paid enough. There's no way in the world I could do that job. To maintain a room full of kids from 8am to 3pm. Whaa???! No way.  :) Thank the Lord for teachers and school staff! God bless them richly, giving them strength abundantly, wisdom and health!

Calling all mothers and teachers: Leave a comment with your best summertime suggestion!

1 comment:

  1. My dear sweet lady!
    Try and take cues from the kids! It is not your job to entertain them. They are more than capable of entertaining themselves! They can play outside; have the older ones put together a seek & find game for the younger ones outside hiding some of the younger ones toys! Also try and have them put together a talent show or craft show after dinner--tell them 1st thing in the morning and tell them that they must use stuff they find around the house or outside. And make a big deal about it after dinner! Play some Bible trivia;again have the order ones think up some questions to ask the younger ones and even some to try and stump you! Make a game show out of it. But mostly put the responsibility back on the kids to be creative and find things to do. If they complain, I always tell my kids that I have plenty of chores that they can help me with if they cannot find something to do on their own.
    Love your family and see you soon!!!
