Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Purpose is Purpose

So it dawned on me one day... God created the black cricket and he also created the black stallion. Both are special in HIS eyes and have purpose. But sadly, I think we view one with having a more special or useful purpose. How many think the stallion has more purpose? Of course! It can run fast, it can pull things, carry a rider on it's back... it's just straight up beautiful. So the poor cricket really can't stack up to that since basically it's just frog or bird food. But God created it so there must be something good about the cricket for He called everything "good" that He created. And, I believe, He doesn't value one creation higher than the other (except for man.) So that leads me to think that God values the black cricket just as special as the black stallion although we, as humans, see it differently.

So, a question to you. Do you see yourself as black stallion or black cricket? Do feel like your calling is special and valued in the Body of Christ or do you feel like your gifting is rarely seen and doesn't hold much weight? Well, the reality is that God created both the cricket and the stallion. He created both the person with the very visible and awesome calling and also the person with the crawl-in-the-grass, frog-food calling. BUT each has God's purpose on it. Each can only do what it was made to do. The stallion can't be a cricket and the cricket can't be a stallion. When they are doing what God called them to do they are giving Him glory. Both the cricket and the stallion give God equal glory.

Whether your calling is high and mighty as a stallion or lowly and unseen as the cricket, both callings have God purpose on it. When you fulfill that given purpose you are giving God great glory. It all comes down to He being the potter and we are the clay. Don't be ashamed of having a cricket calling. That's what God made you to do and in doing so you give Him the same honor as the stallion calling gives.

(Sometimes the calling of mother-hood seems like a cricket calling.. but it really is a stallion calling!)

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